среда, 27 ноября 2019 г.
R IC H FIE L D GR A D U ATE I NS T IT U TE OF TE C H NO L OGY ( P T Y) L T D FA C U L T Y OF I N F O R M A T I O N T E C H N OL O G Y C O M P U T ER S E C U R I T Y 6 0 0 1 S T SE M ES T ER A S S I G N M E N T N a m e S u r n a m e: IC A S N o : Q u a l i f i c atio n : S e m est e r : M o d u l e N a m e: D ate S u b m i t t e d : A S S E S S M E N T CR I T E R IA M A RK A LL O C A T I ON E X A M I N E R M A R K S M O D E R A TOR M A R K S M A R K S F O R C O N T E N T QU E S TI O N ONE 30 QU E S TI O N T WO 30 QU E S TI O N T H R E E 30 T O T A L M A R K S 90 M A R K S F O R T ECH N I C A L A S P EC T S 1. T A B L E OF CO N T E N T S Acc u rate n u m b e ri n g a c cor d i n g t o t h e n u m b e ri n g in t e xt a n d p age n u m b e r s . 2 2. L A Y O U T A N D S P E LL I N G Fo n t - Calibri 12 Li n e S p aci n g - 1.0 Margin sh o u ld b e j u s tif i e d . 3 3. R E F E R E N C E Accor d i n g t o t h e H ar v ard M e t h od 5 T O T A L M A R K S 10 T O T A L M A R K S F O R A S S I GN M E N T 100 E xa m i n e r ' s C o m m e n ts: M o d e r at o r ' s C o m m e n ts: S i g n a t u r e o f Ex a m i n e r : S i g n a t u r e o f M o d e r a t o r : QUE S T I O N O N E [ 3 0 M A R K S ] 1. 1 V i r u s es, w o r m s, T r o jan h o rses, and hacki n g a r e all se c u rity issues in o u r c o m p u t e r ne t wo r k. Each o f t h e s e m alwa r es o r p r o g ra m s att a ches and sp r eads in di f fere n t w a y s. Thro u g h hacki n g h ack e rs can in f e c t c o m p u t ers w i th v ar i o u s t y p es o r m alware and v ir u ses. E xp l ain w h at v ir u ses are, h o w it o ccurs a n
воскресенье, 24 ноября 2019 г.
How to Make Homemade Fizzy Bath Bomb Balls
How to Make Homemade Fizzy Bath Bomb Balls Use your chemistry to make a fizzy, scented bath bomb (bath ball). Make them for yourself or give them as gifts! Its pretty easy to make and takes only about 15 minutes! Fizzy Bath Bomb Chemistry Fizzy bath bombs or bath seltzers are an example of an acid-base reaction. The citric acid (weak acid) and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, which is a weak base) react together to release carbon dioxide gas. This gas forms the bubbles. The citric acid and baking soda dont react until they are in an aqueous (water-based) solution. The cornstarch helps keep the bath bombs dry until you add them to the bath. You could substitute Epsom salts in place of the cornstarch if you prefer. What You Need for Bath Bombs 2 tablespoonsà citric acid2 tablespoons cornstarch1/4 cupà baking soda 1/4 teaspoon fragrance oil3-6 drops food color3 tablespoons vegetable oil Lets Make Bath Bombs! Mix all dry ingredients (citric acid, cornstarch, baking soda) in the bowl.In a different bowl or a small cup, mix the vegetable oil, fragrance, and coloring together.Slowly incorporate the oil mixture into the dry ingredients. Mix well.Place 1 balls of the mixture on waxed paper. They will be semi-hard within 2-3 hours, but allow 24-48 for them to fully dry before storing them.Store bath balls in a sealed container, away from moisture.Add a few to the bath and enjoy! For gift giving, the balls may be placed in individual candy cups. Useful Tips Either fragrance and/or coloring is optional.Suggested vegetable oils include coconut oil, avocado oil, apricot kernel oil, sweet almond oil, or olive oil, although any emollient oil is good!Use small molds to make three-dimensional fizzy bath shapes.
четверг, 21 ноября 2019 г.
Synthesis of Educational Theory Domain Research Paper
Synthesis of Educational Theory Domain - Research Paper Example ivity existing in the private sector so as to develop the schools in America, enabling them produce quality graduates to propel the economy of the nation. This will also help the graduates adapt well to the constant changing technological environment. The 21st century labor force should not have to work with an educational system of the 20th century if the nation is to achieve economic prosperity. Although, transforming the education system to be in line with the changing environment, needs an elementary shift in the education system starting with pre-K up to the higher education level. Up to now, people have lacked the audacity and flexibility to implement the necessary changes in the education sector. People need to re-evaluate themselves, and ask themselves if this is the time to bring the necessary change that is going to transform the education sector for the benefit of the future generation. This is irrespective of the uneasiness people may feel now. To address these changes, the following are essential factors to consider (Bushaw & Lopez, 2012). Redesigning the way the school system is formulated is essential. This will enable students use less time in pursuing their dreams and at the same time be successful. The old system might not be easily altered or adopted in todayââ¬â¢s high-tech environment, and the grading system (diplomas and grade level) seems to limit success. For instance, letââ¬â¢s visualize a system where students do not have to be categorized according to the level of grade reached but on the basis of their skills and knowledge levels. This system might be efficient in rewarding talent and hard work. However, implementation of such measures will necessitate the handling of very difficult questions. If football clubs can enroll stars directly from high school, why can not ICT corporations like IBM do the same? Also, it is necessary to identify the future implications of embracing technology in the education system. This seems not to be a
среда, 20 ноября 2019 г.
Channels & intermediaries for marketing plan and promotion strategy Term Paper
Channels & intermediaries for marketing plan and promotion strategy - Term Paper Example e the need to lower the costs of distribution, increased power of distributors, particularly retailers within marketing channels, increased difficulties in achieving proper competitive advantage, and the development of e ââ¬â commerce and information and communication technologies. The theory of the marketing channel can be puzzling. At times, it is thought of as the course in use by a product as it progresses from the producer to the consumer or another final user. Several describe it as the route in use by the title to goods as it progresses through different agencies. Still others explain the marketing channel in terms of free coalitions of business enterprises that have come together with the intention of trade. Much of the uncertainty possibly stems from conflicting viewpoints or perspectives. A marketing channel is an essential marketing decision area that must be addressed by the marketing management. A marketing channel may be described as the external contactual organization that the management of a business controls in order to attain its distribution objectives. Marketing channel strategy is a key strategic area of marketing management, which fits under the place or distribution variable in the marketing mix (Ken Kaser, 2007). The management of the Youth Soccer Club must develop and run its marketing channels in a way that supports and augments the other planned variables of the marketing mix, to meet the demands of the clubââ¬â¢s target markets. Where limitations exist in the promotion, price, and product strategies of the marketing mix, the best hope for the soccer club to be successful is to emphasize the market channel strategy. Specifically, the soccer club could establish stronger connections with donors or sponsors and suppliers. From the perspective of establishing competitive advantage, which ahs long-term viability, market channel strategy that is focused on the establishment of strong relationships between donors or suppliers and channel
воскресенье, 17 ноября 2019 г.
Nursing Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Nursing Leadership - Essay Example 3. Yes, there are a lot of differences between central and decentralized organization structures n terms of authority, responsibility and accountability. First of all, in a centralized system, the people responsible for decision making are the top organization. If anything goes wrong then they have to be held accountable unlike in a decentralized structure where many people are held accountable and the responsibility is divided (Dale, 2007). Unit 2.2., Part A My selected rationale for the quality indicator is the pain reassessment documentation which is always forgotten by most nurses after delivering their pain medication. This assessment is very important to the patient but sometimes nurses tend to ignore it due to assumptions made that the patient is okay. To spread the information on the methods that can be used to improve quality, I will use a memo to all the nurses concerned and ensure that they know that it is their duty to perform the pain reassessment and document it. To eva luate the success of the plan, I will monitor the reassessment process of every nurse who is on duty to ensure that they follow the right reassessment procedure without skipping it. I will also print a confirmation report signed by both the patient and the nurse that the whole process has been completed up to the reassessment documentation. Yes, I have built in a form that the nurses would use to evaluate themselves based on the performance that they provide to the patients. Every nurse who does not abide to the new regulations and does not reassess the pain medication will be subject to a punishment that the hospital shall give. Unit 2.2., Part B In our organization, change is one of the major problems that people find hard to adapt to. The organization therefore should look at ways to see that people effectively adapt to change without any complications. This assessment was very critical to understanding the organization well. As an organization, there are roles that the managemen t, the employees, and the customers have to know. This assessment was able to identify specific weaknesses that my organization has. I got to know that there is a fair relationship and understanding between the employees and the customers. The needs of the customer are fairly understood by the employee in a fair manner. However this was not good as the relationship needed to be perfect to ensure that the customers get exactly what they deserve. Communication with the customer is however good and so most of the customer complains reach the staff and recommendations are made. However there is need in the organization to educate the employees on some of the customer needs and some of the ways of treating the customer. Teamwork is also fair in the organization. Most of the tasks that are given are either solved individually or by a small group of employees, since teamwork is very important, there is need to educate the employees on effective teamwork and how to improve quality by workin g together as a team. However, most of
пятница, 15 ноября 2019 г.
A Partir De L Exemple De Rennes French Essay
A Partir De L Exemple De Rennes French Essay Lagriculture face à lurbanisation intensive des mà ©tropoles A partir de lexemple de Rennes et Saint-Jacques -de-la-lande INTRODUCTION Lorsque lurbanisation et lagriculture se disputent les mà ªmes terres, saffrontent alors des mondes, des mentalità ©s diffà ©rentes difficiles à faire cohabiter. Du fait de son caractà ¨re multifonctionnel, lespace rural est en perpà ©tuel tension entre une fonction à ©conomique (de productività ©) et une fonction rà ©sidentielle ou de loisir, mais aussi une fonction de conservation (prà ©servation de la biodiversità ©, entretien du paysage). Dans ce contexte comment est-il possible de concevoir la cohabitation sur un mà ªme territoire, de modes de vie diffà ©rents? Quel processus damà ©nagement territorial peut à ªtre envisagà © pour concilier les diffà ©rentes pratiques de ces lieux entre urbanisation et nature? Parce que les campagnes tendent à se densifier. La rurbanisation produit une consommation excessive despaces naturels, elle fragmente les parcelles cultivables et les consume petit à petit. Le paysage sen trouve modifià ©, car lespace rural tire sont paysage de sa fonction premià ¨re, lagriculture, cest elle qui faà §onne le territoire. Paradoxalement, la venu de nouvelles habitation dans lespace rural dà ©truit ce pourquoi mà ªme elles sont venues : le paysage. Que devient la campagne si elle est urbanisà ©e de la mà ªme faà §on que la pà ©riphà ©rie proche des villes ? Si le prix du foncier ne produit rien dautre que des zones pavillonnaires en tous points identique à celle de nos villes. Pour rà ©pondre à cette demande de nature il est indispensable de penser la ville et la campagne comme une seule et mà ªme entità ©, un systà ¨me global oà ¹ lune est dà ©pendante de lautre. En effet la campagne doit à ªtre pensà ©e comme le garde mangà © de la ville pour des raisons de sà ©curità © alimentaire et à ©conomique, dans un contexte oà ¹ les produits lointains seront de plus en plus soumis aux taxations carbone. Hypothà ¨ses Lespace rural ne peut plus à ªtre considà ©rà © comme un vide ou une rà ©serve foncià ¨re, il doit à ªtre pensà © dans un systà ¨me global oà ¹ rural et urbain forme un tout. En effet dans le contexte à ©conomique actuel les villes redeviennent dà ©pendantes de leur arrià ¨re pays. Il faut donc rà ©interroger le systà ¨me de gouvernance à là ©chelle mà ©tropolitaine oà ¹ la mise en place dune politique globale permettrait de recrà ©er du lien entre lurbain et le rural. Lespace rural a dà ©jà un caractà ¨re multifonctionnel, il regroupe diffà ©rentes fonctions. Une fonction productive, rà ©sidentielle et de prà ©servation de lenvironnement. La cohabitation de ces diffà ©rentes fonctions gà ©nà ¨re des conflits au sein de cet espace. Une plus grande coordination entre les diffà ©rents acteurs de lespace rural permettrait une meilleure cohabitation des ces usages. La rà ©alisation de diagnostique propre à chaque territoire ayant pour but la prà ©servation de lagriculture, avec une fonction de production mais aussi crà ©atrice de paysage, respectueuse de lenvironnement, afin de proposer un cadre de vie de qualità ©. Afin de mieux comprendre et analyser ce phà ©nomà ¨ne, nous allons nous intà ©resser dans un premier temps à la question de la grande à ©chelle, là ©chelle mà ©tropolitaine en se basant sur les projets du grand Paris et plus particulià ¨rement sur là ©tude dAntoine Grumbach. Dans un deuxià ¨me temps nous nous pencherons sur le cas du Plateau de Saclay oà ¹ une à ©tude a à ©tà © menà ©e pour montrer comment sest mis en place un processus de prise en compte de lespace agricole dans la construction paysagà ¨re du rural pà ©riurbain. I. Notre culture face à la nature 1.1. Historique De tout temps lagriculture a à ©tà © à ©troitement lià ©e à la ville. Depuis que la ville existe, que lhomme est sà ©dentaire, il produit sa nourriture au plus proche de son lieu de vie. Tant que lhomme est dà ©pourvu de moyens efficaces de dà ©placement pour transporter sa marchandise, les denrà ©es alimentaires sont cultivà ©es aux abords des villes. Là ©talement urbain nest pas un phà ©nomà ¨ne rà ©cent. Dà ¨s le Moyen-à ¢ge, les villes semblent dà ©jà à ©clatà ©es, limage que lon a dune ville compacte est aussi dà » à la reprà ©sentation que lon en a fait. Les perspectives dà ©poque sont des reprà ©sentations de villes compactes, oà ¹ les habitations dissà ©minà ©es ne figurent pas. Nayant pas le droit de cità © elles navaient pas non plus le droit de reprà ©sentation. A cette à ©poque la France a une logique de campagne, une multitude de villages distants de 3 à 5 km, distance parcourus actuellement en 5 à 10 minutes donc un rà ©seau quasi parfait qui sà ©tale sur toute le pays.[schà ©ma en à ©toile relation entre les villages] Ce systà ¨me, lià © à la gà ©ologie, au paysage, aux forà ªts locales est quelque chose de trà ¨s encrà © dans la civilisation franà §aise. Cest le marqueur ADN de la France, un code fort reliant le pays. Tout repose sur cette logique. Nà ©anmoins, les villes importantes de cette à ©poque restent denses, il est donc aisà © den dà ©finir les limites et par consà ©quent celles entre ville et campagne. Au 15à ¨ sià ¨cle, Paris est lune des plus grandes villes dEurope, suivit dAnvers. Une France fà ©odale gouvernà ©e par un roi. Dans sa confà ©rence Lenjeu capital(es), les mà ©tropoles de la grande à ©chelle, le paysagiste nà ©erlandais, Adriaan Geuze, voit le Roi de France comme un agriculteur ayant un pied à terre à Paris. Lidà ©e de vivre à la campagne avec une attache en ville. A la Renaissance, la quantità © de chà ¢teaux et de parcs autour des grandes villes de France explose (chà ¢teau de la Loire) avec un rà ©seau de routes qui converge vers la ville principale. Les Rois entretiennent limage de la campagne, de la nature et cette culture paysanne jusque dans les parcs de leurs chà ¢teaux. Cest une culture de la socià ©tà © agricole. [Parc des chà ¢teaux de la Loire] La rà ©volution est un nouveau tournant dans lhistoire de France. Le symbole mà ªme de Marianne reprà ©sentation de la France de cette à ©poque, est une femme, qui pourrait à ªtre paysanne, venant de la ferme, de la France rurale. [Tableau dEugà ¨ne Delacroix, La Libertà © guidant le Peuple (1830).]On peut donc considà ©rer que les valeurs de notre pays (Libertà ©, Egalità ©, Fraternità ©) puisent leurs racines de cette France là , cette France rurale. Napolà ©on, comme les rois de France, crà ©Ã © un systà ¨me routier sur tout le continent qui converge vers Paris. Arrive alors la premià ¨re percà ©e dans la conception urbaine à savoir lextension des Champs-Elysà ©es, avec lArc de Triomphe, cest louverture vers lavenir. Cette action a pour bà »t de changer cette mà ©tropole, de louvrir, de crà ©Ã © des liens et de relier la capitale à la nature. En 1850, Paris est une ville insalubre, sans aucune condition dhygià ¨ne. Une campagne de restructuration de la capitale est lancà ©e, Paris est donc rà ©gie sous un triple mot dordre: Embellir Circuler Assainir. Lenjeu à ©tait de transformer la mà ©tropole conformà ©ment aux thà ©ories hygià ©nistes pour une meilleure circulation de lair et des hommes. Le Baron Haussmann transforme la capitale en 17 ans de travaux ininterrompus. A la fin de ces travaux Paris a changà © de visage. Sur les grands boulevards Haussmanniens on remarque aussi la prà ©sence importante de la nature. [Prà ©sence de nature sur les boulevards] Ces grandes avenues plantà ©es sont relià ©es directement aux parcs et jardins des Rois, và ©ritables icones de la ville, (jardin du Luxembourg, parc Monceau). Les portes des parcs souvrent, la population y pà ©nà ¨tre : cest une nouvelle ville. La peinture va permettre aussi dintà ©grà © une nouvelle image de la nature. Une nature sublimà ©e. Une nature construite qui va changer la perception mà ªme que lon en avait. Les parcs comme le parc des Buttes-Chaumont ou le parc Monceau peuvent donc se dà ©velopper. A la fin du 19e, dà ©but du 20e sià ¨cle, avec les modifications apportà ©es aux villes et laire industrielle, les relations entre la ville et sa campagne se modifient. Loffre demploi dans les grandes villes augmente, les conditions de vie samà ©liorent et les campagnes sont dà ©sertà ©es, cest lexode rural. Les villes connaissent alors un accroissement dà ©mographique sans prà ©cà ©dent. Les moyens de transports deviennent de plus en plus performants. Les villes sà ©tendent donc trà ¨s rapidement sur lespace rural, estompant ainsi les diffà ©rences entre elles. La population des villes augmente, lagriculture diminue ce qui a pour consà ©quence une perte dautonomie alimentaire. Pour rà ©soudre ce manque il a fallut aller chercher la matià ¨re premià ¨re toujours un peu plus loin. A la fin du XXe sià ¨cle rien na changà ©. Avec la mondialisation, ce phà ©nomà ¨ne na cessà © daugmenter et lagriculture souffre dune mauvaise image. Le discours a donc totalement changà ©. Les paysages agricoles ne sont plus imaginà ©s, comme au 19e sià ¨cle, pouvant faire partie de la ville. La nature nest plus conà §ue comme un à ©là ©ment de paysage urbain quon essaie dintà ©grer à la ville mais un paysage de campagne que lon cherche à retrouver lorsque le stress de la ville se fait sentir. Dans les annà ©es 80, la ville souffre de mauvaise rà ©putation. Le manque de logements de qualità ©, laugmentation de la criminalità © ont pour effet de faire fuir les classes sociales les plus aisà ©es et les entreprises vers la pà ©riphà ©rie. Ces dernià ¨res annà ©es le phà ©nomà ¨ne sest renforcà ©, un changement de mentalità ©, une prise de conscience environnementale, encourage de plus en plus durbains à fuir le stress des villes pour sinstaller à la campagne. La campagne est vue comme un produit. 1.2. Etat actuel du monde rural Lurbanisation continue des villes daujourdhui grignote chaque jour un peu plus les terres cultivables. [Photo de lurbanisation grignotant les terres cultivables]Laugmentation du prix des terrains constructibles nencourage pas le maintient des actività ©s agricoles et rend lagriculture pà ©riurbaine extrà ªmement fragile. De plus, la cohabitation entre agriculteurs et citadins installà ©s en milieu rural devient de plus en plus source de conflits. En effet, la venue de nouvelles habitations sur lespace rural la rurbanisation se traduit souvent par limplantation de maisons dissà ©minà ©es au milieu de parcelles cultivà ©es. Ce phà ©nomà ¨ne conduit rapidement à lexplosion des terres cultivables, car pour permettre la mà ©canisation, les parcelles ne doivent pas à ªtre trop petites. Une fois divisà ©es, les parcelles encore en culture, nont plus quune vocation, devenir des champs de là ©gumes ou des pà ©pinià ¨res oà ¹ se multiplie les serres agricoles. La rurbanisation met donc les agriculteurs des zones pà ©riurbaines face à un choix: vendre leurs terres aux nouveaux arrivants ou cesser leurs actività ©s dà ©levage de bovin pour ne faire que de larboriculture, horticulture ou encore de la production de lait, de volailles ou dÃ
âufs. Face au vieillissement et à lexode, lespace paysan est menacà ©. Des tensions à ©mergent entre rurbains, citadins ne participant pas à la vie paysanne, et les paysans locaux. Les nà ©o-ruraux les plus aisà ©s se portent acquà ©reurs dà ¨s la mise en vente du moindre bà ¢timent dans lespace rural. Ce qui, à lorigine, est un espace de travail napparait plus que comme un espace de loisir. Ce phà ©nomà ¨ne se retrouve dans lensemble des zones rurales proches de grandes agglomà ©rations. Prisonnier dun cadre naturel forgà © depuis des gà ©nà ©rations, le monde paysan appartient dorà ©navant au paysage, celui-là mà ªme que le touriste citadin achà ¨te. ( Bernard DEZERT- les mutations sociales dans lagriculture urbaine) Le fait davoir dà ©valorisà © lagriculture en la considà ©rant comme un vide, un espace de non-ville à contribuà © à son exclusion (de la ville et de notre socià ©tà ©). Il est maintenant indispensable de pensà © lagriculture comme un à ©là ©ment constitutif de la ville. Pour ce faire il faut repenser sa forme mà ªme. Lune des formes considà ©rant la ville comme un ensemble despaces bà ¢ti et non bà ¢ti est la ville archipel nous allons donc nous intà ©resser à la faà §on dont elle amà ©nage le territoire. Mais avant à §a que signifie le terme de ville archipel ? 2. La ville archipel : un amà ©nagement territorial 2.1. Le concept de ville archipel. La ville archipel pose la question de la forme des relations entre lurbanisation et les espaces de nature. Cette question semble à ªtre une question de paysage puisquelle parle des relations entre les espaces, mais cest avant tout une question damà ©nagement du territoire. Une question dà ©chelle dintervention entre le dà ©veloppement urbain et la protection des milieux ainsi que les relations entre eux. La ville archipel est une forme urbaine capable de conjuguer ville et nature. Pour comprendre ce concept de ville archipel il faut inverser notre faà §on de dà ©finir la ville. Il faut considà ©rer la ville comme un ensemble de centralità ©s intercommunale, avec des espaces bà ¢ti (habitat individuel, collectif ou actività ©) et des espaces non bà ¢ti (naturels, agricoles et forestiers).Ces deux types despaces sont articulà ©s entre eux pour sadaptà © au fonctionnement de ce nouveau territoire en conjuguant facilità © de dà ©placement et proximità © dun cadre de vie agrà ©able dont aspire une majorità © de la population. Dans cette logique comme le dit Bertrand FOLLEA : Le village est à lagglomà ©ration intercommunale ce que le quartier est à la ville. Lespace agricole ou naturel fait lui aussi parti intà ©grante de la ville, cest lui qui structure lagglomà ©ration. Il a une fonction serte à ©conomique (de production), à ©cologique (biodiversità ©, gestion hydraulique), mais aussi une fonction sociale (paysage, lieu de dà ©tente, circulation douce). La ville archipel pourrait à ªtre caractà ©risà ©e par des à ®les bà ¢ti denses relià ©es entre elles par des espaces de natures ou agricoles entretenu avec une fonction à ©conomique et sociale. 2.2. La gestion de la nature dans la ville archipel 3. Lexemple de larchipel rennaise 3.1. Rennes Capital de la Bretagne. [] 3.2. Rennes : un espace urbain agricole La mise en place du schà ©ma directeur du district de Rennes, à ©laborà © par un paysagiste et par lagence durbanisme local (Audiar)[1] est considà ©rà ©e comme lune des expà ©riences les plus intà ©ressantes des annà ©es 90. Elle a valeur dexemple dans lamà ©nagement franà §ais en raison de la prà ©servation des territoires agricoles et coulà ©es verte entre les bourgs qui se densifient pour crà ©er des pà ´les secondaires. La question du paysage joue un rà ´le moteur dans là ©laboration de ce schà ©ma directeur. Il a conduit au changement de perception de certain acteur sur leurs territoires. La ville de Rennes na pas toujours à ©tait qualifià © de ville archipel, ce nest quen 2004 que cette expression voit le jour. Isabelle Grudet dà ©montre dans son article Le modà ¨le territorial rennais à là ©preuve de ses images, limportance des images verbales utilisà ©es pour dà ©crire la ville. Avant 2004 lexpression de ceinture verte est couramment utilisà ©e notamment dans Projet urbain 2015[2]. Ce terme laisse entendre que la ville de Rennes est entourà ©e dun espace vert. Or cet espace nest pas và ©ritablement lisible. Cette expression est dailleurs utilisà ©e en association avec le terme d'anneau et de rocade, le vert et les routes ont fonction de limite et de lien entre les espaces de diffà ©rentes dimensions. Carte de synthà ¨se paysagà ¨re / schà ©ma directeur de 1994 En comparent deux images iconique, la vue de synthà ¨se dun paysagiste et la carte du schà ©ma directeur de 1994 on remarque un à ©loignement de la ville classique que la ceinture verte marquà © par la rocade servait à maintenir à lintà ©rieur de mur virtuels, et que la ville archipel a fait exploser. On passe de la ceinture verte reprà ©sentà © par la rocade et un rà ©seau routier qui relie les bourgs à la ville centre ; a une image de ville territoire oà ¹ les diffà ©rents espaces bà ¢tis sont relià ©s entre eux par les à ©là ©ments constitutifs du paysage. Dans la reprà ©sentation paysagà ¨re du modà ¨le rennais proposà © par le paysagiste, la hià ©rarchie entre ville et campagne disparait. Lespace non bà ¢ti est dà ©composà © en plusieurs couleurs, le bà ¢ti reprà ©sentà © en blanc sestompe, ce territoire oà ¹ bourgs et centre ville semblaient à ªtre relià © par de simple routes raccordà ©es à une rocade, semble maintenant à ©clatà © sur un territoire indà ©fini dont une campagne dà ©sormais complexe vient crà ©er du lien grà ¢ce aux rivià ¨res, parcs et autres à ©là ©ment du paysage. Lidà ©e de ceinture verte a disparue. Cette espace non bà ¢ti, agricole fait lobjet dune discussion entre paysagiste et à ©lus sur le concept des isolement paysage terme apparaissant dans le schà ©ma directeur de 1994. Retranscription de cette discussion,Tirà ©e des cahiers de LAUA nà °11 p.105 Paysagiste : Nous proposons de nouveaux termes pour remplacer des terme qui nous semblent rà ©ducteurs. Nous proposons de remplacer isolement paysage par espace agricole de respiration Elu : (Vice prà ©sident de Rennes Mà ©tropole dà ©là ©guà © à lenvironnement et aux rà ©serves foncià ¨re) Ce sont les espaces irrà ©ductibles. Le Saint Emilion de Rennes. Mais pour ce terme de respiration je me demande sil ne risque pas dà ªtre mal perà §u. Il semble indiquer que lon ne respire pas dans Rennes-centre. Paysagiste : Cest intà ©ressant Elu : Les espace agricoles, ce sont aussi des gens. Les agriculteurs ne sont pas seulement là pour faire respirer les gens Paysagiste : Cest un concept fort. Le travail a à ©tà © guidà © par lidà ©e de polycentrisme. Ce systà ¨me est volontariste, il faut des concepts forts pour contrer les processus spontanà ©s. Lexpression isolements paysage nest pas positive. Elu : Je suis daccord pour enlever isolement paysage mais lagriculture, je prà ©fà ¨re espace agricole de construction Paysagiste : Oui, il faut rà ©flà ©chir sur ce thà ¨me. Elu (vice-prà ©sident de Rennes Mà ©tropole dà ©là ©guà © aux formes urbaines): Remplacer isolement paysage par espace de respiration est une bonne idà ©e, mais il faut la revoir Elu : Cest bien, on est arrivà © à hià ©rarchiser les choses Mais il y a quand mà ªme ce truc de la respiration Moi, je dirais simplement agriculture pà ©riurbaine. Paysagiste : Oui, mais à quoi renvoie le terme de pà ©riurbain Elu (Vice prà ©sident de Rennes Mà ©tropole dà ©là ©guà © à lenvironnement et aux rà ©serves foncià ¨re) : Et pourquoi pas espace agricole urbain. Cela permet de ne pas faire apparaà ®tre les agriculteurs comme les derniers des Mohicans Lexpression vient dapparaà ®tre. Elle sera là ©gà ¨rement modifià ©e par un à ©lu, pour donnà ©e le terme final d'espace urbain agricole. Selon un à ©lu ce terme a la capacità © de crà ©er un choc, aussi bien chez les agriculteurs que chez les urbains, qui pourrait pousser à laction. En effet cette espace agricole urbain participe à là ©conomie et à lattractività © du Pays de Rennes. Il est entretenu par 1400 exploitations agricoles qui mettent en valeur 63 000 ha de surfaces agricoles. En choisissant le terme de ville archipel les à ©lus ont fait le choix dun amà ©nagement du territoire qui laisse une large place à lespace agricole et naturel entre les diffà ©rents pà ´les durbanisations. Cette gestion du territoire, qui place lagriculture au cÃ
âur de la ville, approuvà © et confortà © par le SCoT permet damà ©liorer le cadre de vie des habitants avec la prà ©sence dune campagne bocagà ¨re à proximità ©, travaillà ©e par lagriculture. Mais la proximità © de la ville et de lespace agricole ajoute des contraintes qui peuvent fragiliser leur à ©quilibre à ©conomique, laugmentation du foncier produit par une ville dynamique, la cohabitation conflictuel entre citadin et agriculteurs et les dà ©placements difficiles En revanche cette proximità © de la ville permet à lagriculture de se diversifier en fournissant un marchà © local et en proposant des services. En considà ©rant comme ville lespace bà ¢ti et lespace non-bà ¢ti, les à ©lus se doivent de travaillà ©s en à ©troite collaboration avec les agriculteurs, afin doffrir un meilleur cadre de vie permettant le dà ©veloppement de cette à ©conomie. Dans cette optique, lassociation partenariale entre agglomà ©ration et la chambre dagriculture a permis la crà ©ation de lassociation Terre en ville oà ¹ sà ©change les expà ©riences sur les espaces agricoles pà ©riurbains franà §ais. 3.3. Le programme local de lagriculture, pour une agriculture en cÃ
âur darchipel. En 2008, un accord-cadre est passà © entre la chambre dagriculture, la SAFER Bretagne, Rennes Mà ©tropole et le Pays de Rennes pour coordonner les actions et dà ©finir les conditions de leur mise en Ã
âuvre. Le programme local de lagriculture soumet cinq thà ¨mes de travail : Echanger autour dun observatoire de lagriculture. Concilier urbanisme, foncier et agriculture Confortà © le bocage dans ses multiples rà ´les Sadapter au nouveau contexte à ©nergà ©tique et climatique Renfoncer les liens entre les citadins et les agriculteurs. La mise en place dun observatoire de lagriculture du Pays de Rennes, qui publiera un bulletin chaque annà ©e a pour rà ´le de faire partager une vision actualisà ©e de la dynamique agricole du territoire entre les diffà ©rents acteurs agricoles et territoriaux. Les thà ¨mes traità ©s par le programme local de lAgriculture sont : foncier et urbanisme, environnement, lien citadins-agriculture. Pour que la ville archipel fonctionne, il faut que lactività © agricole soit forte. Des actions foncià ¨res sont misent en place pour maintenir cette actività © et permettre une meilleur lisibilità © de lespace rà ©servà © à lagriculture dans les projets urbains. En 2005 la SAFER Bretagne et Rennes Mà ©tropole passent une convention visant une politique danticipation foncià ¨re et de recherche des terres de compensation pour les exploitants agricoles dont les terres sont rà ©cupà ©rà ©es par les projets urbains. Grace à ces compensations il est possible de regrouper les parcelles autour des bà ¢timents agricoles, se qui amà ©liore les performances à ©conomique et à ©nergà ©tique des exploitations, en limitant les dà ©placements dengin, en rationnalisant les systà ¨mes de fourrage Lagriculture doit à ªtre traità © dans les PLU comme une priorità © car cest elle qui structure lespace communal. Des rà ©flexions sur la prise en compte de lagriculture dans les PLU ont à ©taient engagà ©es, elles dà ©boucheront sur la mise en place de nouvelles mà ©thodes et la rà ©daction de recommandations à lattention des municipalità ©s, des techniciens et urbanistes ainsi que des acteurs agricoles. La proximità © de la ville et des actività ©s agricoles pose quelques problà ¨mes, notamment pour des questions de dà ©placements, lagriculture provoque des dà ©placements de matià ¨re et dengins agricole qui on du mal à cohabiter avec la circulation urbaine. Les plans communaux de dà ©placement des PLU ont en charge didentifier les secteurs oà ¹ le dà ©placement dengin agricole est le plus problà ©matique. Ce qui permet aux communes dintà ©grer dans leurs projets des solutions ou des alternatives. Le paysage rennais se caractà ©rise par la prà ©sence de bocages. Si ces à ©là ©ment du paysage font dà ©sormais partie du patrimoine paysagà © de la rà ©gion, leurs rà ´les est multiples. Ils permettent la rà ©gulation des eaux, prà ©servent la biodiversità ©, offre de lombre pour les troupeaux, ont un rà ´le agronomique et peuvent à ªtre perà §u comme à ©nergie renouvelable. De plus les cheminements largement accessibles offrent aux citadins des espaces de dà ©tente à la campagne, et permet ainsi de limiter le dà ©membrement des parcelles agricoles pour des zones de loisirs. Mais lentretient de ces haies revient essentiellement aux agriculteurs et les charges pour cette entretient deviennent de plus en plus lourdes du fait de lagrandissement des parcelles. Le programme local de lagriculture prose de redonnà © de la valeur à ©conomique à lentretient moderne du bocage. Afin de sadapter au nouveau contexte à ©nergà ©tique et climatique, Rennes-Mà ©tropole met en place son plan à ©nergie-climat pour à ©tudier les moyens de rà ©duire la production de gaz à effet de serre. En effet lagriculture et lagroalimentaire est extrà ªmement consommatrice dà ©nergies fossiles il est donc essentiel de rà ©flà ©chir à des solutions pour limiter cette consommation, la mise en place dà ©nergie renouvelable tel que la biomasse, là ©olien ou le solaire. De plus lentretient des haies bocagà ¨res peut permettre là ©mergence dune filià ¨re bois-à ©nergie. Une filià ¨re en dà ©veloppement dans la rà ©gion tant chez les particuliers que pour les à ©quipements publics. Lagriculture a la charge des espaces agricoles et naturels de la ville archipel. Se sont les agriculteurs qui faà §onnent lespace et le cadre de vie. Malgrà © limportance de lagriculture pour le dà ©veloppement de la mà ©tropole, les agriculteurs ne sont plus reconnus. Les citadins qui ont le dà ©sir de cette campagne connaissent mal les actività ©s agricoles daujourdhui. Ils ne perà §oivent que les aspects nà ©gatifs de la profession et les gà ªnes engendrà ©es. Mais il en va de mà ªme pour les agriculteurs qui ne comprennent pas forcà ©ment les enjeux urbains. Pour que lagriculture soit và ©ritablement intà ©grà ©e à la ville il faut quelle soit comprise de tous et pour à §a un travail dinformation doit à ªtre fait. Ce devoir dinformation doit se faire pour le grand public, mais aussi entre les diffà ©rents acteurs (à ©lus locaux, agriculteurs, techniciens) Pour faire passà © le message au plus grand nombre, le Pays de Rennes lance un à ©comusà ©e oà ¹ lon retrouve la mà ©moire rural du pays de Rennes, mais qui surtout pose les questions sur là ©volution de lagriculture local contemporaine. Depuis dà ©jà quelque temps, le regain dintà ©rà ªt pour une agriculture seine, permet le dà ©veloppement ou le redà ©veloppement des circuits courts comme le marchà © traditionnel mais aussi des mà ©thodes plus innovantes tel la vente de panier, la cueillette à la ferme ou encore les AMAP (association pour le maintient dune agriculture paysanne), la vente par internet Ces nouvelles filià ¨res permettent de rapprocher lagriculteur du consommateur, mais aussi donnà ©e la possibilità © aux agriculteurs de se diversifier en proposant de nouvelles actività © comme laccueil à la ferme, lagrotourisme, les fermes pà ©dagogiques, mais aussi de proposà © des services comme lentretient des espace naturels ou des chemins de randonnà ©es, et en collaboration avec la collectività © pour le co-compostage ou la gestion des boues dà ©puration. 3.4. Les AMAP Carte des AMAP du pays de Rennes Voila ce que prà ©conisà © en 2008 le Programme local de lagriculture. Mais comment se sont traduites ces recommandations dans les projets urbains de la mà ©tropole rennaise ? Afin dà ©tudier cette question nous allons nous pencher sur deux projets rà ©alisà ©s à Rennes a savoir la ZAC de la Courouze et celle de Beauregard, ainsi que dans la ville de Saint-Jacques-de-la-lande. 4. Exemples de projets rennais 4.1. Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande est une commune à cinq kilomà ¨tres des premiers faubourgs de Rennes. Cest au centre de la commune que se construit une nouvelle ville de 8 000 habitants. Un projet qui pourrait surprendre à une à ©poque oà ¹ lextension des pà ©riphà ©ries se ralentie fortement. Cette ville a longtemps à ©chappà ©e à lurbanisation du fait de la prà ©sence sur son territoire de nombreuses installations militaires. Le maire, Daniel Delaveau a toujours fait preuve de dà ©termination pour mener son projet à terme. Des les annà ©es 70 il commence lacquisition progressive de tous les terrains du secteur. Durant 7 ans il se bat avec les services de lEtat et du dà ©partement pour que la route de Redon ( 2 fois 2 voies ) ne soit pas une voies expresse mais un boulevard urbain reliant un nouveau quartier. Il pose un point dhonneur à la conservation du paysage qui fabrique sa ville, en souhaitant la prà ©servation dun atout majeur du site, les prairies bocagà ¨res. En 1992 la ville lance un concours durbanisme pour le nouveau centre de Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande. Il est remportà © par Jean-Pierre Pranlas-Descours en association avec les paysagistes Christophe Delmar et Anne-Sylvie Bruel. En 1994 le projet est formalisà © dans le plan directeur gà ©nà ©ral qui fixe les principes urbains, paysagà ©s et architecturaux. Le paysage dans lequel simplante le nouveau centre ville de Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande nest pas des plus remarquables, il ne possà ¨de pas và ©ritablement dà ©là ©ments marquant le paysage. Une topographie douce, sans trop daccident, ni de dà ©nivelà ©. Et pourtant de toutes les communes environnantes cest elle qui a le mieux conservà © sont hà ©ritage rural, des grandes à ©tendues herbeuses en là ©gà ¨re pente, des haies bocagà ¨re pour dà ©limiter les anciennes proprià ©tà ©s des à ©là ©ments peut perceptibles mais qui valorisà ©es peuvent permettre dancrer le nouveau quartier dans son territoire.[] 4.2. La ZAC de la Courrouze 4.3. La ZAC Beauregard 5. Autres exemples 5.1. Lexemple de plateau de Saclay. 5.1.1- Historique du plateau de Saclay. Le plateau de Saclay a connu de nombreux changements au cours de son histoire. Avant le XVIIe sià ¨cle le plateau nà ©tait quune immense plaine marà ©cageuse. Ces marà ©cages limitaient lagriculture à une pratique traditionnelle et anarchique. A la fin du XVIIe sià ¨cle, les à ©tangs infà ©rieurs du plateau de Saclay ont servi à une partie de lalimentation en eau du chà ¢teau de Versailles. Depuis cette à ©poque les eaux pluviales du plateau sont drainà ©es en son centre dans un à ©tang situà © entre Saclay et Villeras. Suite à ce rà ©seau de drainage le plateau devient, un sià ¨cle plus tard, parmi les plus fertiles de la rà ©gion parisienne et permet une agriculture plus intensive. On y produisait de lavoine, du seigle, de lorge et du blà © sur une surface de mille trois cent cinquante hectares destinà © exclusivement au seul marchà © parisien. Lagriculture sintensifient et se diversifient, elle se modernise jusquà devenir progressivement une agriculture dite scientifique. De plus en plus dorganismes de recherche agronomique sinstallent sur le plateau, elles aident les agriculteurs à acquà ©rir des connaissances et à amà ©liorer leur rendement. Mais limplantation sur le plateau de Saclay de ces nombreux organismes accà ©là ¨re son urbanisation de faà §on exponentielle. Le plateau nest plus reconnu pour ses excellentes terres cultivables, mais devient lun des cinq premiers centres denvergure europà ©enne frà ©quentà © par plus de trente mille physiciens, chercheurs ou autres ingà ©nieurs. Au cours du XXe sià ¨cle, le plateau de Saclay perd sa dimension paysagà ¨re et apparaà ®t comme une zone rurale sans grand intà ©rà ªt. Les auteurs de là ©poque ny voient quune vaste à ©tendu monotone et austà ¨re dominà ©e par une agriculture moderne et productive dà ©pourvu de tout pittoresque. Depuis 1945, lotissements, installations industrielles, aà ©rodromes continuent à sà ©tendre sur dexcellentes terres à culture. Un des exemples les plus caractà ©ristiques est celui du Centre de recherche de Saclay ; on a sacrifià © là des terres qui comptaient parmi les meilleures de la banlieue parisienne pour à ©courter les dà ©placements de techniciens habitant Paris. (M. Phillipponneau) Le plateau de Saclay est dà ©sormais caractà ©risà © par son centre dà ©tude nuclà ©aire, il devient le plateau de la matià ¨re grise, un haut lieu de la science franà §aise. Il est dà ©sormais cà ©là ¨bre pour ces à ©quipements scientifiques de pointes. Jusqua la fin des annà ©es soixante-dix ces à ©quipements scientifique à ©taient perà §ues positivement par le grand public cette actività © permis douvrir le plateau de Saclay sur lextà ©rieur et le fit reconnaitre. Mais il à ©tait essentiellement connu pour cette actività © et son paysage à ©tait perà §u comme un pa
вторник, 12 ноября 2019 г.
Personal Narrative- Playground Memory :: Personal Narrative
Personal Narrative- Playground Memory Looking back on a childhood filled with events and memories, I find it rather difficult to pick on that leaves me with the fabled ââ¬Å"warm and fuzzy feelings.â⬠As the daughter of an Air Force Major, I had the pleasure of traveling across America in many moving trips. I have visited the monstrous trees of the Sequoia National Forest, stood on the edge of the Grande Canyon and have jumped on the beds at Caesarââ¬â¢s Palace in Lake Tahoe. However, I have discovered that when reflecting on my childhood, it is not the trips that come to mind, instead there are details from everyday doings; a deck of cards, a silver bank or an ice cream flavor. One memory that comes to mind belongs to a day of no particular importance. It was late in the fall in Merced, California on the playground of my old elementary school; an overcast day with the wind blowing strong. I stood on the blacktop, pulling my hoodie over my ears. The wind was causing miniature tornados; we called them ââ¬Å"dirt devilsâ⬠, to swarm around me. I stood there, watching the leaves kick up and then settle. My friends called me over to the wooden playground surrounded by a sea of mulch chips. The bridge squeaked furiously under our weight. An unannounced game of tag started and we found ourselves weaving in and out of the wooden fortress and the trees that surrounded it. My shoe became untied and I took a time out to tie it with a method that no one uses here. We heard an adult voice; it was time to go in. We lined up single file, supposedly in alphabetical order but no one ever does. I liked that, I never liked being in the back. While waiting for everyone to line up, I looked up at the trees that line the walkway. Despite the time of year, I noticed sparse flowers growing on the trees.
воскресенье, 10 ноября 2019 г.
Growth Of Population And Resources Environmental Sciences Essay
Garrett Hardin foremost wrote ââ¬Å" The Tragedy of the Commons â⬠, and was published in his diary Science in 1968, and it is one of the much talked about in the universe of today. He mentioned the calamity of parks as the developments of worlds on environment by giving specific illustration on 4 herders and their attitude towards environment ( Hardin, 1968 ) . It gained impulse during agricultural revolution and was restricted to depletion of environment by over graze or by hapless agricultural patterns. Hardin specially discusses about the effects that society face as a consequence of the action towards environment to deduce benefits. The effects faced by the present universe can be due to depletion of Resources and the affect on ecosystem. The calamity of parks has now become a cardinal of understanding for many local and planetary ecological jobs. Calamity of common is non applicable in modern universe because Hardin has given illustration about the grazing land and it is limited to a certain country and he focused chiefly on debasement caused by worlds straight where as in todays universe the affect on environment is caused by other factors for case the pollution caused by mills ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollution ) . His statement although had brought a batch of unfavorable judgment but the result of the present universe is really much related to what might hold happened during his clip. The Earth can be an illustration of a grazing land and the four herders and the cattles responsible for the depletion are the human population utilizing the resources and the engineering responsible for rapid diminution in resources. It has besides developed much attending to research workers and experts and to work on it ( Crowe, 1977 ) . Those plants include the research on behavioural scientific disciplines, from psychological science to political scientific discipline and from economic sciences to biology. The environmental jobs of today are due to population det onation, human greed and are now pulling more attending towards economic development ( www.freedom21agenda.org ) . Human population is turning at an exponential rate and their stuff wants excessively, where as the resources to bring forth wants that the Earth provides is minimum and non plenty to do the turning population ( Malthus, 1798 ) . Resources are non plenty to run into the huge population and as a consequence the impact on environment is terrible. Human have unlimited wants and the impulse to fulfill their wants is chief ground for development of natural resources. The environmental job related to present universe is chiefly due to unsustainable usage of resources. Worlds greed has exceeded the capacity and alternatively of utilizing the resources at sustainable degree they have started to utilize more resources to maximise production because people consume more as compared to those in olden yearss. Peoples explore and deplete non renewable resources and utilizing resources like ne'er used earlier. Renewable resources are depleted faster that they can non be renewed so therefore there is more force per unit area on resources. The chief job that present coevals faces is promotion of economic development. Harmonizing to study of Brundtland Commission of United Nations, the developed states have already exhausted their ain resources and face the challenges from developing states. The impact on environment by developed states was monolithic and the result is witnessed today and if the development states follow the footfalls of developed states the effects will be a catastrophe. The existent unrecorded state of affairs faced by Caspian Sea on depletion of piscaries provides one of the best illustrations of effects of the human impact. The present carnal species of Caspian Sea has deteriorated to an extent that it faces a menace of extinction in future. The chief ground for the diminution was deficiency of cooperation among those states who portion and uses the resources and hapless direction ( Pourkazemi, 2006 ) . However the low resources could be solved if the people come up with some possible solutions to get the better of the jobs. Some Potential solution could be modulating the usage of resources, making and apportioning rights to resources and Population control and sustainable usage of resources. However, all these solutions will be successful if the Government takes enterprises in explicating programs and effectual execution to work out the corporate action job. However those solutions will non be successful because people, societies and states have different sentiment and even International Organization such as United Nations ( UN ) face tough challenges to convert member Nations to command and forestall nature from development ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www.un.org/en/global issues/environment ) . The calamity of parks is really much related to the actions and effects of our present universe. It is clear that the universe has reached at the phase where everything has become scarce and expensive. Human existences have to make up one's mind whether the limited stock the Earth has at the minute should be used at a sustainable rate or maintain on working the limited resources and face the effects. The calamity of parks as explained by Garrett in 1968 is apprehensible even by the populace. It was found in in-between ages where the most common adult male was outstanding during those times. This likely must hold happened during Agricultural revolutions because there is adequate grounds to turn out and back up this statement. The Calamity of parks is a really good illustration, and the writer mentioned about worlds exploitation to natural universe and different sentiment of single or degree of cooperation at international degree in restricting overexploitation of natural resources. Ga rrett has really given the privilege to conceive of about the grazing land land opened to 4 herders. While reflecting the article, is an illustration ( foremost sketched booklet by Lloyd, 1833 ) , affecting mediaeval land term of office in Europe, of Herders sharing a common package of land, on which they are each entitled to allow their cattles graze. The four herders are sharing the grazing land land, which can merely back up 24 cattles before it gets depleted. Each one of them was supposed to hold 3 cattles each. Now its debatable here how four of them would wish to pull off the grazing land land. The three Environmental motor graduated table ( Schultz, 2000 ) or personal motive for the environmental concern is effectual here. If one of them decides to add one more cow, he will have all the benefits of the cow, but it is obvious he portions merely of the cost to the corporate grazing land. He earns a net income. This will actuate the other herder and they besides start to add mor e cattles to maximise net incomes. This shows all the cow Herders have egocentric concern for the environment and this will decidedly hold a negative impact on environment. Soon they will transcend 24 cattles and the graze cow will overdrive and consume the grazing land. They knew this could go on but out of greed for privation of more net income they over use the grazing land. If anyone of them had the selfless and limits himself, this would hold affected him due to overdrive of the grazing land by others, he would hold suffered while others have profited. The other solution could be that if they have divided the land, each one would hold had the privilege to take attention of the land allotted or divided to them and this might hold accounted for true cost, or if they have all cooperated and reciprocally decided to pull off the land, this would hold accounted for true cost, together, ( Hardin, Science 162 ) . Worlds have undergone tonss of passages since centuries ago, from mobile life to major agricultural revolution followed by Industrial and Post Industrial Revolutions. Prehistoric Societies have contributed to dramatic transmutation of human societies. The manner of life of Human changed as passage took topographic point. Population increased and demand for more nutrient has resulted in alteration in Environment ( Adapted from: Brant, E. ( 1995 ) . People allow this happened chiefly for three grounds: Figure: 1.1 Picture picturing Prehistoric Societies ( Human Transitions ) The ever-growing Human Population around the universe has become one of the major causes of negative impacts on environment. Harmonizing to Economics, it states that human wants are limitless and the resources to run into satisfaction to human stuff wants are scarce. The Malthusian theory clearly explains that while the adult male could increase his subsistence merely in arithmetical patterned advance, his figure tended to increase in geometrical patterned advance, ( Malthus, The Essay, p.479 ) . The Population is turning at an dismaying rate while the nutrient to feed the turning population is minimum. Most underdeveloped states in Asia are extremely populated and most of the people are below poorness line. The sums of nutrient produced are non plenty to run into the demand of huge population, so they import from other industrialised states that produces nutrient at a larger graduated table. Unless the population is non brought down, people particularly in developing states will go on to endure and Population populating below poorness line will increase. Population growing is hence regarded as the principal cause of poorness and destitute states of Asia and Africa suffer for privation of adequate nutrient to last, while developed states would most volitionally continue to contrive new and advanced engineering to bring forth more nutrient expeditiously and this will impact the Environment. So, both rich and hapless states contribute to debasement of Natural resources but in different ways. Fig 1.2: Graph demoing illustration of Growth of Population and Resources. In modern universe the calamity of parks can associate to Environmental issues such as Sustainability. The common jobs of todays societies are the consequence of assortments of resource jobs. The resources include H2O, land, and non-renewable energy beginnings such as oil and coal. The most recent illustration of depletion of wood is in the state of Madagascar. About 90 % of the wood is lost in Madagascar, ( CNN intelligence, 25-08-2012 ) . The chief cause of forest depletion is due to uncluttering of wood for agribusiness, and deforestation by forest fire ( slash and burn ) . The people hunt chiropterans in big figure and hence cause hapless pollenation procedure by natural pollinators. Originally the wood had highest concentration of forest species but due to over usage it has resulted in drastic loss in forest species. This happened chiefly due to hapless direction and the greed of people and most of the woods are non protected under jurisprudence. All these effects are as a conse quence of greed to bring forth more and devour more. The greed of human existences is beyond bound, because there are competitions from all degrees, globally and at the individual degrees. The impulse to go rich and better than others had led to debasement of natural resources. Figure 1.3 Graph demoing theoretical accounts of population growing taking to resource depletion, this can ensue in worsening nutrient production, industrial end product, and population. The planetary economic system uses those limited resources at an dismaying rate for economic development due to stiff competition faced by economic universe. The developed states over use the resources and creates inordinate pollution in the signifier of air, land and H2O. The pollution caused by those states knows no boundary and hence this affects the state that preserve and protects the environment. The impact on environment due to overdrive of natural resources can even be seen today. Most of the states in the universe focal point more on economic development and non on conserving and protecting the Environment. Those few states like Bhutan alternatively of concentrating more on developments puts a batch of attempt in protecting the environment, but can still experience the affect of pollution, ( climate alteration and green house consequence ) . Even hapless states focus more on economic development of their state to cut down poorness. The desire for privation of adequate nutrie nt or to vie with other states economically has about encouraged industrialised states to bring forth more and this has resulted in debasement of resources. Hence, most of the states act in their ain best ego involvements and ignore whats best for the universe. One of the life illustrations of depletion of resources is the Caspian Sea sturgeon preservation and piscaries. Caspian Sea is one of the largest bing Salt lakes in the universe. It is accumulated by 130 rivers changing in size and the rivers delivers about 79 % of the entire H2O while remainder is in the signifier of Atmospheric precipitation as rain ( 20.2 % ) and land H2O ( 0.8 % .On an Average the Caspian Sea salt ( incorporating salt ) is equal to 13 ppt. and it was categorized as a brackish H2O organic structure because of presence of unpleasant salt ( Klige and Mayagkov, 1992 ) . The huge Caspian Sea is rich in biodiversity and is place to around 1354 workss and carnal species and 122 fish species. The big staying sum of universe sturgeon ( sea and fresh H2O fish ) are besides in the Caspian sea and estimated 80 % to 90 % of caviar are produced and sold all around the world..At present a sum of 854 carnal species is recorded of which 53 are chiefly marine fish ( 43.5 % ) , 42 are fresh H2O species ( 34.4 % ) , 18 are anadromous species ( 7.4 % ) , ( kazancheyey, 1981 ) . About 25 different species form a group considered as commercially of import fish consisting of straddling stocks and they are distributed all over the Caspian Sea and their piscary requires co-management between member states for sustainable usage in future. However, harmonizing to the official statistics studies released showed that there was monolithic lessening in sturgeon resources from 28.5 thousand metric tons, 1985 to 1345 dozenss in 2005.The Caspian sea sturgeon resources have faced terrible fluctuation during the last century. Maximum sturgeon gimmick within the basin was 39400 metric tons in the beginning of twentieth century, ( Ivanov, et.al,1999 ) . Research conducted by Pourkazemi, 2006 reveals that during 1900 -1915 the mean sturgeon gimmick excepting supplies from Iran was 26.5 1000 metric tons. Sturgeon gimmicks declined drastically to 11000 metric tons during the period between 1920 and 1965, chiefly due to over catching of sturgeon juveniles and immature fish. The ground for rapid diminution was due to illegal fishing and poaching, and was partially recorded during the two universe wars but it was until the prostration of former Soviet Union that led to worsen in the resources due to miss of proper direction and control. In 1992 Commission of Aquatic Bio resources was established chiefly to develop a scheme to utilize and portion the resources rationally and to transport out the joint programme for preservation of the resources. In 1997 all sturgeon species were included into the CITES appendices ( COP-10, Harare ) , and was implemented in 1998. Several other joint programmes were besides developed to measure sturgeon stock, constitution of sturgeon gimmick and export quota and the preservation and proper direction of sturgeon resources. In a mean while several International Organization such as UNDP, FAO, European Commission and World Bank devel oped a regional programme to seek to work out resources state of affairs in the Caspian Sea. Despite all the understandings, ordinance and attempts put by all the regional and International Organizations, the job still remain unresolved and the sturgeon resources still face the hazard of terrible decrease. If the present regional and international strategies to cut sturgeon resources remain unsuccessful without any major betterment, the sturgeon species in the Caspian Sea pose a great menace of extinction in the hereafter. One of the possible solutions to the job is modulating the usage of resources and presenting the outwardnesss. One of the most common economical agencies of modulating a public good is through the infliction of revenue enhancements or levies to those responsible for debasement of natural resources. Examples include emanation and wastewater charges and user fees for waste disposal ( outwardnesss ) . Enforce more revenue enhancement on car industries who fail to fabricate pollution control autos. However, such attacks could be viewed negatively and unfavorable judgments will originate on policy shapers as money-raising exercisings. This is particularly the instance when the returns travel directly into general gross alternatively of being invested in ways to better direction of the resource. Another job with ordinance is that it does non assist to make any permanent consequence in the manner the resource is being used. It doesnt alteration peoples behavior. Regardless of what the ordin ances are or how they are being imposed, this attack is finally one of coercion and it relies upon public cooperation or a authorities willing to face sustained rebellion or work stoppage. Without general credence of the basic values behind the ordinance, or a common values system it can non work. Even in Bhutan the revenue enhancement imposed on import of cars from foreign states is in immense sum. The gross and imposts office collects revenue enhancements from boundary line town in Phuntsholing and those parts of revenue enhancements decidedly go for direction of Environment. Every twelvemonth all vehicles in Bhutan have to travel through emanation trial and required to pay for the services received. There is frequent look into up on the high manner by Traffic Police and functionaries from Road Safety and Transport Authority and if found without the emanation trial reception, a mulct will be charged and at some instant it may take to cancellation of vehicle enrollment. The Role of National Commission clearly states that the Agency is responsible to Prevent, control and abates environmental injury, including Pollution, ( Environmental Assessment Act, 2000 ) . Fig 1.4: Picture demoing old theoretical account vehicle providing on route doing pollution on the manner. The 2nd attack, spliting up the parks is into belongings rights. It attempts to maintain the unity O f the parks by curtailing entree to the resource so that it isnt wholly depleted. In add-on it offers a limited group of people the chance for personal addition if they manage the resource right. Its a method that is frequently used to fishing, where bounds are placed on the measures or types of fish allowed to be caught ; and in land glade, where quotas are set to stipulate how much land could be cleared yearly. It is besides being done through activities such as emanations merchandising. In Bhutan community forestry programme was introduced chiefly to apportion right to resource. Peoples in Bhutan, particularly those populating in rural countries, are largely dependent on forest in their daily activities. Community Forestry direction is introduced chiefly for sustainable usage and to cut down poorness. The Forest and Nature Conservation Act of Bhutan 1995 emphasized the rural commun ities in forestry services. It brought major alterations in forest direction by paving the manner for Community and Private Forestry. For the past few old ages at that place has been a enormous addition in the figure of community forest throughout Bhutan, with over 300 community woods and more go oning to set up. The community wood is supported by the National Forest Policy, the Forest and Nature Conservation Act and Rules of the Royal Government of Bhutan. Fig 1.5: Picture demoing Forest in Eastern Bhutan The Uncontrolled human population growing taking to over population is major job behind for development of environments to the extreme. Malthus had written 200 old ages ago that the power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the Earth to bring forth subsistence to adult male. Population when non controlled tends to increase in Geometric patterned advance. Malthus destiny of humanity is meaningless as the conservationist of today thinks. The efficient usage of resources by modern engineering and its improved medical patterns and the adequate supply of nutrient have brought down mortality enormously and accelerated the population growing rate. The Dramatic Increase in population has led to increased production of nutrient, shelter and vesture due to modern engineering. This evidently has led to worsen in ecology and inordinate loss in bio diverseness. During the last three centuries the population has accelerated at an dismaying rate. The population which took hundre d old ages for one billion populations to turn can now take merely 13 old ages for 1 billion populations to turn. Harmonizing statistics study from United Nations, population will duplicate in 2050 and it reveals that in 31st October last twelvemonth in 2011, population has reached 7 billion. An estimated 76 million people are added every twelvemonth and this is truly a serious job. Around 61 % of the population lives in Asia, with highest populated states of China with 1.3 billion and Indias population with 1 billion, 2002 estimation. This already shows that Earth can non defy the heavy population any longer. The lone solution is to cut down population by implementing programs and policies. This will enable the sustainable usage of the limited resources left by worlds for centuries. The democracy of China is one of the best illustrations for commanding population. The Growth rate of population in China is merely 0.6 and it has been revealed that in 2050 both China and India will ho ld an equal population with 1.6 billion each. The one kid policy in China brought down the population growing rate drastically over the old ages, ( www.prb.org, mid, 1999 ) . Jointing solutions to the calamity of the parks is one of the chief jobs of political Philosophy. In absence of enlightened opportunism, some signifier of authorization or federation is needed to work out the corporate action job. In a typical illustration, governmental ordinances can restrict the sum of a common good available for usage by any single. Permit systems for extractive economic activities including excavation, fishing, runing, farm animal and timber extraction are illustrations of this attack. Similarly, bounds to pollution are illustrations of governmental intercession. Alternatively, resource users themselves can collaborate to conserve the resource in the name of common benefit. Another solution for some resources is to change over common good into private belongings, giving the new proprietor a n inducement to implement its sustainability. This will hold more incentive to take attention of the private land and history for true cost. The cause of depletion of Natural Environment is due to Human Population. The Population is transcending the capacity of the Earth. Developing states in the universe are increasing population at an exponential rate and cause poorness, largely in Asian and African Countries. Human as compared to other life species are intelligent and are really good in utilizing resources and able to turn nutrient. However it has developed an pressing demand to increase resources to run into the demand of increasing Population. The impulse for privation of more and more nutrient for ingestion had encouraged the maximal usage of the limited resources. Depletion of Non renewable resources had reached its tallness, those resources one time used are gone everlastingly unlike the renewable resources like Air, Water and Land. The unsustainable usage of this resources will one twenty-four hours led to disappearing of the minerals and fossil fuels. Even the renewable resources are used to that extent that its being depleted faster than it can non be renewed. The increasing population uses the resources like ne'er used earlier because the degree of ingestion has increased drastically over times. The chief state of affairs of today is the inequalities among people and among the Nations. Most developing states have people below poorness line, even without basic necessities ( nutrient, H2O, shelter ) to last and besides these people live in hapless wellness conditions. This poorness state of affairs has allowed the people to concentrate on short-run endurance and these consequences in debasement of natural environment. The impacts on environment are contributed greatly by both developed and developing states. The Developed states of Japan, USA, Canada, Australia and other developed states contributes to around 18 % of the universes population but the usage of resources is beyond imaginativeness. Those developed states histories for around 88 % usage of resources around the universe and produces 75 % of the universes waste. The developing states of Asia, Africa and South American portions around 82 % of the universes population and still turning, and this will hold increasing impact on environment. Despite the high and increasing population in hapless states the sum of resource used is merely 12 % and generates waste of merely 25 % . However both rich and hapless have high impact on environment but in different ways ( Miller, G.T and Spool adult male, 2010 ) . Today, universe is confronting many jobs due to impact on environment, but there is no effectual solution to work out these serious jobs. The universe is at the phase of quandary and there is no option left, either to allow increasing population below poorness line to hunger to decease or utilize the resources left and so confront the effects. Peoples know what the conseque nce it will take to and the dismaying rate of population growing will be expected to duplicate in 2050 and the force per unit area on resources is increasing excessively. However on positive side engineering is progressing fast to undertake with societal and environmental jobs and it has proven over the old ages. Whatever the effects it could take to, merely clip will state, for the minute merely delay and ticker where these present human action will take to. Nothing is impossible and there is ever a solution for everything. Necessity is mother of innovations, Esther Bosrup
пятница, 8 ноября 2019 г.
Hafnium Facts (Atomic Number 72 or Hf)
Hafnium Facts (Atomic Number 72 or Hf) Hafnium is an element that was predicted by Mendeleev (of periodic table fame) before it was actually discovered. Here is a collection of fun and interesting facts about hafnium, as well as standard atomic data for the element: Hafnium Element Facts Fresh, pure hafnium is a metal with a bright, silvery luster. However, hafnium oxidizes to form a beautiful rainbow colored surface effect.Mendeleev predicted the existence of hafnium in a report he prepared in 1869. It was one of two non-radioactive elements believed to exist, but not verified. It was finally discovered in 1923 by Georg von Hevesy and Dirk Coster by using x-ray spectroscopy on a zirconium ore sample. The element name honors the city of its discovery (Hafnia is the old name for Copenhagen).As you might expect, hafnium is not found free in nature. Instead, it forms compounds and alloys. Because the two metals share similar occurrence and properties, hafnium is extremely difficult to separate from zirconium. Most hafnium metal has some degree of zirconium contamination. Although hafnium is found with ores (mainly zircon and baddeleyite), it is not as reactive as most transition metals.When hafnium is powdered, the increased surface area improves its reactivity. Powdere d hafnium readily ignites and may explode. Hafnium finds use as an alloying agent for iron, titanium, niobium, and tantalum. It is found in integrated circuits, vacuum tubes, and incandescent lamps. Hafnium is used in nuclear reactors, mainly as nuclear control rods because hafnium is an exceptionally powerful neutron absorber. This is one significant difference between hafnium and its sister element zirconium zirconium is essentially transparent to neutrons.Hafnium in its pure form is not particularly toxic, but it does represent a health hazard, particularly if inhaled. Hafnium compounds should be handled with care, as should any transition metal compound, because the ionic forms be dangerous. Only limited testing has been done on the effect of hafnium compounds in animals. All that is really known is that hafnium usually exhibits a valence of 4.Hafnium is found in the gemstones zircon and garnet. Hafnium in garnet may be used as a geochronometer, which means it can be used to date metamorphic geological events. Hafnium Atomic Data Element Name: Hafnium Hafnium Symbol: Hf Atomic Number: 72 Atomic Weight: 178.49 Element Classification: Transition Metal Electron Configuration: [Xe] 4f14 5d2 6s2 Discovery: Dirk Coster and Georg von Hevesy 1923 (Denmark) Name Origin: Hafnia, the Latin name of Copenhagen. Density (g/cc): 13.31 Melting Point (K): 2503 Boiling Point (K): 5470 Appearance: silvery, ductile metal Atomic Radius (pm): 167 Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 13.6 Covalent Radius (pm): 144 Ionic Radius: 78 (4e) Specific Heat (20à °C J/g mol): 0.146 Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): (25.1) Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 575 Pauling Negativity Number: 1.3 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 575.2 Oxidation States: 4 Lattice Structure: hexagonal Lattice Constant (Ãâ¦): 3.200 Lattice C/A Ratio: 1.582 Hafnium Fast Fasts Element Name: HafniumElement Symbol: HfAtomic Number: 72Appearance: Steel gray metalGroup: Group 4 (Transition Metal)Period: Period 6Discovery:à Dirk Coster and George de Hevesy (1922) Sources Hevesy, G. (1925). The Discovery and Properties of Hafnium. Chemical Reviews. 2: 1ââ¬â41. doi:10.1021/cr60005a001Greenwood, Norman N.; Earnshaw, Alan (1997). Chemistry of the Elements (2nd ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann. pp. 971ââ¬â975. ISBN 0-08-037941-9.Lee, O. Ivan (1928). The Mineralogy of Hafnium. Chemical Reviews. 5: 17ââ¬â37. doi:10.1021/cr60017a002Schemel, J. H. (1977). ASTM Manual on Zirconium and Hafnium. ASTM International. pp. 1ââ¬â5. ISBN 978-0-8031-0505-8.Weast, Robert (1984). CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Boca Raton, Florida: Chemical Rubber Company Publishing. pp. E110. ISBN 0-8493-0464-4.
среда, 6 ноября 2019 г.
Complete Guide on Crafting a Nursing Research Paper that Rocks
Complete Guide on Crafting a Nursing Research Paper that Rocks The General Notion of Nursing Research Paper Writing Nursing is a complicated and broad object for the investigation that a significant number of students have to deal with to expand their knowledge. The central aim of the Nursing research paper is to explore a relevant nursing issue and find possible solutions. For example, the particular fields of nursing that can be covered in your research paper include psychiatric nursing, healthcare management, healthcare, evidence-based medicine, clinic hygiene, home-based healthcare, healthcare practices, and ethics. Hence, nursing is a branch of medicine that is about easing the patients pain and dealing with patients psyche. While writing the research paper, you will be able to enhance your ability to assess the patient and critically analyze, develop, and communicate the plan of care. To make your paper more specific, you may investigate the chosen topic through the prism of different fields, such as pathology, anatomy, population health, pharmacology, and physiology. As you can see, the Nursing research paper requires you to conduct in-depth research and apply your analytical and critical thinking at the same time. Meet the Basic Types of Research Paper Before selecting the topic for your paper, you have to choose the type of the paper itself since the particular type has special requirements for the topic. Your professor may ask you to write a specific type of research paper. If yes, the following description of each will help you to understand what you should cover in your research paper. In general, there are two major types of research papers ââ¬â analytical and argumentative. The first type requires you to explore and evaluate a certain issue. It means that you have to present a well-arranged analysis. For the second type, you should persuade your readers with the help of strong arguments. The following two paragraphs will provide you with more detailed information about these two types of research papers. Analytical Research Papers In this type of research paper, you can present a specific analysis of a literary text investigate various healthcare studies to understand how a particular scholar came to his/her results. The purpose of this paper is to analyze a set of materials or experiments and then present your point of view on an issue. Therefore, you have to create a good analytical question to be able to explore it from different perspectives. Besides, you should describe an issue as well according to one of the following common analytic designs to develop new ideas: Question/Answer; Comparison/Contrast; Problem/Solution; Cause/Effect; Hypothesis/Proof; Change Over Time. Keep in mind that if your paper contains several paragraphs, you have to analyze only one important idea per paragraph. Therefore, your first sentence of each paragraph should be a summary statement, and the following ones have to support, expand, or clarify the first statement. Argumentative Research Papers Here, you have to select a debatable issue to be able to present diverse points of view on one. Consequently, you have to investigate different studies to find compelling arguments. Besides, you should choose a side and present points that both support and contradict it. In other words, you have to present each argument fairly and clearly to show the state of affairs objectively. As a result, if you address the opposition properly, you will successfully complete the following tasks: to present a well-rounded understanding of the chosen topic; to illustrate a lack of bias; to increase the level of trust; to strengthen the argument by diminishing the oppositionââ¬â¢s arguments. To address the opposition properly, you need to put yourself on the contrary position. Therefore, you should develop several good reasons why you may support that particular side of the argument. You have to search for the necessary facts, quotes, and evidence to refute the points that the opposition may make. How to Choose the Topic that Is Appropriate Truly Interesting for You Usually, college professors provide students with a list of acceptable topics for a research paper. However, if you do not have such a list, choose the most suitable topic on your own. This part of a research paper becomes as important as the quality of it, and your mark depends on the chosen topic as well. If you select the topic that is too narrow, you will not be able to expand it further. Moreover, if you choose an absolute topic, you may not find any relevant sources. Therefore, you should search for the current issues and then choose one of them. At the same time, it is better to select the topic that youââ¬â¢re interested and have proficient knowledge in since it will be easier for you to create good content and complete the paper on time. Besides, while creating a title for your research paper, you have to remember that it should not exceed fifty-one characters or twelve words. Apart from that, you are not allowed to underline, italicize, or bold the title. Hence, you have to consider a lot of aspects to choose an appropriate topic and create a good title. Consequently, selecting a topic for the Nursing Research Paper is one of the most complicated parts of the entire writing process since there are plenty of topics that have been discussed. As a result, your topic should be: specific, but not too narrow; relevant; interesting for you; no longer than fifty-characters or twelve words; not underlined, bolded, or italicized. Therefore, the following list of topics is appropriate for your Nursing research paper: Nursing Science During the 20th Century; Should Nurses Complete Additional Training? Nursesââ¬â¢ Safety on the Working Place; Psychiatric Nursing: the Aspects of the Field; The Importance of Neonatal Care Nursing. How to Choose Appropriate Sources to Dig Facts from? Have you finally chosen the topic to research? Now you have to look for some reliable sources. Generally, there are three types of sources of information ââ¬â primary, secondary, and tertiary. You need to be aware of the peculiarities of each to know what type is appropriate for your paper. For writing the research paper, you can use all types of sources. Primary sources present the original materials which are applied for writing research papers. This source type includes research materials published in academic journals, interviews, surveys, and court records. Secondary sources analyze or describe primary sources, i.e., different books and articles that review or interpret original fieldworks are known as secondary sources. Besides, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and textbooks can be called the secondary sources. Tertiary sources are utilized to organize or locate both primary and secondary sources. They are various databases and indexes. The following list of sources may be usef ul for writing the Nursing research paper: The National Library of Medicine (presents free and reliable information resources which nursing students can use); MedlinePlus (provides credible information about various disorders and links to the latest medical research); PubMeD (contains more than twenty-eight million citations from life science journals and different online books); Nursing Resources for Standards and Interoperability. You can use different reliable websites which end in .edu or .gov. These websites are credible because various educational institutions or governments maintain them. Thus, when you find all the necessary information, you will be able to start the prewriting process to collect the ideas for your assignment. Pre-Writing Activities to Get You Fired Up to Write Great Paper Before you proceed to nursing research paper writing itself, you have to get the main points and arguments together. To collect as many ideas as possible, you may apply the following pre-writing activities. The first activity is called ââ¬Å"Brainstorming.â⬠The central aim of it is to write as many ideas as possible in the form of a list. The next prewriting strategy is called ââ¬Å"Freewriting.â⬠It is similar to the previous one, but here you have to write full sentences. When youââ¬â¢re done with it, you will get the first draft of your paper. The third strategy is called ââ¬Å"Mindmapping.â⬠For this activity, you have to choose a few major ideas and put them in circles. Then, draw some lines that will symbolize the supporting ideas. The last prewriting strategy is outlining, and it requires you to outline the entire research paper. If you cannot create the outline without preparation, you can complete the previous activities and then proceed with outlining. The primary purpose of this strategy is to develop the brief plan of the research paper. To cope with it, you have to create a thesis statement and several arguments with supporting ideas. As a result, it can be noticed that with the help of the prewriting strategies mentioned above, the process of writing will be much easier since all the major points will be collected. Common Research Paper Formatting Styles Since the Nursing research paper should be written according to a specific format, letââ¬â¢s take a look at the basics of one. In case of the most popular APA format, you have to develop a particular structure of the paper with the title page, the abstract, the main body, and the reference page. Second of all, you have to remember that the APA referencing style requires you to create a specific referencing that will contain the authorââ¬â¢s/authorsââ¬â¢ last name and the year of publication. Besides, you may provide the page number if it is available. The citation should look like this ââ¬Å"(Smith, 2018, p. 1).â⬠What is more, the entire paper should be typed in twelve-point Times New Roman font. As you can see, many aspects need to be taken into consideration to receive a high mark. The Basic Structure The Nursing research paper has a particular structure that contains the Title Page, the Abstract, the Main Body, and the Reference Page. The following paragraphs will describe each aspect of the paper in detail. The Title Page This part of the research paper contains the title of the paper, the running head, the authorââ¬â¢s name, and the institutional affiliation. The running head should be placed in the page header and present the title of the paper. In addition, the title should attract the readersââ¬â¢ attention and should not contain any abbreviations or words that have no purpose. The Abstract The Abstract has to be written on the separate page. Moreover, the word ââ¬Å"Abstractâ⬠should be typed in the center of the page. This paragraph should contain the summary of the key points of your research paper since this part introduces the topic to the readers. For example, if you choose neonatal care nursing as your topic for the research paper, you may enumerate some significant aspects of this field. The Abstract shouldnââ¬â¢t be less than 250 words. Plus, you need to list the paper keywords after the summary. To do that, type the word ââ¬Å"Keywordsâ⬠in italics and then enumerate keywords. The summary should not be indented, while the line with keywords should. The Main Body The Main Body of the research paper consists of the Introduction, the Main Body paragraphs, and the Conclusion. In the Introduction, you need to provide background information, primary arguments, and the thesis statement. You are not allowed to include any in-text citations and quotations here. Furthermore, you have to present all the arguments that were mentioned in the Abstract, describing only one point per paragraph. Insert some citations here to support your arguments. You may use some charts to present figures. To make the paper smooth, utilize some linking words. Remember that the chosen linking words have to correspond to the context. Otherwise, your readers may be confused. In the concluding section, you have to restate your thesis statement and support it with arguments mentioned in the Main Body paragraphs. Just like in the case of the Introduction, you cannot use any citations here. Thus, if your research paper is well-structured, the readers will be able to understand yo ur ideas properly. The Reference Page The Reference page has to be placed on the separate page, right after the Main Body of the paper. In the center of the page, you need to write the word ââ¬Å"References.â⬠Then, you may enumerate all the sources that you have used. All entries should be provided in alphabetical order. Besides, each mentioned source has to be indented one-half inch. References ââ¬Å"A Guide to Prewriting Techniques.â⬠Berkeley Student Learning Center, 2018, slc.berkeley.edu/you-start-writing-paper-guide-prewriting-techniques-0. ââ¬Å"Common Assignments: Writing in Nursing.â⬠Walden University, 2018, academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/assignments/nursing. Hallas, Donna, and Harriet R. Feldman. A guide to scholarly writing in nursing. NSNA Imprint 53.4 (2006): 80-83. ââ¬Å"Research Help: Types of Sources.â⬠McQuade Library, 2018, libguides.merrimack.edu/research_help/Sources. ââ¬Å"Types of Research Papers.â⬠Excelsior College OWL, 2018, owl.excelsior.edu/research/research-process/research-process-types-of-research-papers/.
воскресенье, 3 ноября 2019 г.
Managing Expansion Change Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Managing Expansion Change - Case Study Example A significant problem is that customers make regular complaints about service at the hotel. Moreover, the hotel has accrued significant debts, meaning that it has been operating below the break-even point. The aforementioned problems comprise part of what PDR Hotel & Resorts will inherit when it finally gets acquisition rights for Mortloch Hotel. To begin with, PDR Hotel & Resorts will have to make a turn around in the quality of services in order to boost customer confidence in the hotel. Secondly, PDR Hotel & Resorts will have to develop mechanisms to improve service delivery, among them deploying qualified personnel in the various departments who will embrace excellent human resource management skills. Thirdly, the group will have to focus on the customers' complaints and provide solutions since customers are the cornerstone of success of any business organization. Additionally, PDR Hotel & Resorts has to look into ways of solving any problems that arise due to debts. The significance of the above problems is that PDR Hotel & Resorts plans to buy Mortloch Hotel as part of its expansion programme, yet it is evident that the hotel currently has a clouded image. If the purchase is not critically appraised, PDR Hotel & Resorts may end up tarnishing its reputation in case the trend at the hotel continues even after the group acquires it. Therefore, when PDR Hotel & Resorts eventually acquires Mortloch Hotel, the group will have to prove indisputably that the hotel is in deed under new management, with new services that will leave customers craving to make subsequent visits. In order to facilitate an effective and problem-specific structure to increase revenue, it is imperative to improve quality and service while minimizing the running costs in order to eliminate debt. The theme of research on the process therefore lies around improving the customer base, staff management, service delivery, and ultimately, revenue collection and expenditure. There has to be a clear pattern of accountability in all departments in order to improve customer-staff relations. Additionally, the management has to work towards common objectives in order to improve service delivery and staff morale. Marchington and Wilkinson (2005) identified effective human resource management such employee participation as the best way to resuscitate a collapsing organization. This review presents the objectives of investing in Mortloch Hotel, the strategies to overhaul its management and limitations to the programme. Such strategies will include improvement of the hotel's facilities and staff training to boost service delivery. A review of ideas by other authors forms part of the discussion and analysis of ideas in this text. Objective of research As part of investment in an expansion programme that
пятница, 1 ноября 2019 г.
Read Marianne Jenning's articalwhy an international environment code Essay
Read Marianne Jenning's articalwhy an international environment code of ethics would be good - Essay Example Despite criticism, international code of business ethics has various merits. Arguably, different countries hold varied cultural values in terms of language, social custom, and non-verbal communication (Smeltzer and Jennings 58). It is a non-contested fact that long-term survival and operation of any business relies on how well a business conforms to host country traditions. The inability to hook business objectives with surrounding ethical needs create an ethical vacuum leading to conflict of interest. Additionally, businesses root in trust and ethical commitment, which has a direct bearing on the economic life. In many cases, such businesses end up law suits and court battles in the name of implementing accepted social standards and responsibilities. In this light, cultural imperialism, highlights an existing business dilemma that calls for limitation and control through the international code of ethics. Similarly, a business system is a cycle of operations focusing on the limited resources to create a stable economic system. It is an inter-dependency of system based connections, society, demand, quality, and most importantly price. Non-regulation as noted by Kosolov, Martin and Peterson cited in Smeltzer, Larry and Jennings (1998) is non-existent. Every business has the sole responsibility of regulating behaviors and working within existing economic tenets; however, this has remained a problems as evidenced in the Security Exchange Act of 1934 (Smeltzer and Jennings 59). In the act, maintaining a crucial economic flow involves holding certain ethical factors constant. From this perspective, international code of ethics prove worthwhile in bringing order and equitable trading environment in the raven business risk taking atmosphere. The political, social, and economic structures of different countries roots for varied business treatment. The hypocrisy mixed to surging inflation and high cost of
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