воскресенье, 24 февраля 2019 г.

Ot Regarding Entering Canadian Market Succesfully

OPPORTUNTIES AND THREATS Regarding entering the Canadian commercialise successfully with Douwe Egberts new product Grannie Annies hottish chocolate milk. A SWOT-analysis (strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) is an analysis based on strength and weaknesses on one side, and opportunities and threats on the other side, choices are made. A SWOT-analysis can be used any internal or external. Both analyses together can be set together as a situational analysis. The outcome of this analysis can be the input of the SWOT-analysis. STRENGHTS Since there is a cold climate in Canada, the popularity of hot beverages is high compared to every other drink, leading to a high demand. Canadas stable economy The good financial state of Douwe Egberts could be an good over the competitors. The effective distribution strategies. High fibre product. Good customer relationship management. Canada-European Free Trade Association Free Trade Agreement, this harmony is aimed at eliminating all tariffs on goods. WEAKNESSES Profitability may suffer as a result of strong competition in the Canadian market. eagle-eyed distribution channels (e redundantly to Canada) OPPORTUNITIES Outplay other coffee tree brands by introducing special products like Grannie Annies. Extend product line with other products for non-coffee drinkers take in new coffee houses on strategic points Create brand commitment by making sure customers get the experience needed from drinkable Grannie Annies Keep developing new products for customers Pick score target group. (Starbucks aims for couples age 25-54 with children, who tend to spend more on non-alcoholic beverages outdoors) Douwe Egberts should non copy the strategy of competitors but create something unique. THREATS argument of businesses who are on the Canadian Market (Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Krispy Kreme, McDonalds, Burger King). Lack of advertisement ever-changing prices in Coffee market By only entering the market wit h Grannie Annies you probably wont get very far. violate target group Developments A development of the surroundings of the costumer ordain eventually turn into a need that customers will most liable(predicate) get to have ease and more user-friendly coffee machines, publicity and more.Next to this, sustainability is getting more and more important to customers. DE is known for their sustainability and fairness regarding coffee bean farmers. This can be used for Grannie Annies too, regarding cacao farmers. Also, the sustainability of transport is important and has to be done as carefully as possible. DE Looks forward to train their own coffee and cacao farmers so that the quality can be guaranteed. Also, sustainability can be higher when DE trains own farmers.

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